Play Store is the official source for all the apps which are ready to download on your Android device. However, Play Store may not be open on your Android device if its not rooted. There are several other sites which offer cracked apps or modified apps and are accessible to the non-rooted Android users. This is definitely an efficient way of hacking apps which is recommended by the users.
Hacked apps or apps which are patched or modded can be easily downloaded on the application called Xposed Installer. It has easy step by step installation process. This tool is recommended by experts who would like to install modded apps as it removes the need for root access.
Hopper is one of the best mod sites for cracked apps and offers a huge collection of modded content on its website. It features the most popular mods, so you can easily choose the content which you want to use.
You can download hacked apps from the download section of this website. The games that can be cracked are cracked and verified apps. The last modification time of the apps is shown before the download button.
The download page of Mod File is next to impossible to find. That’s because it takes you to an unofficial Devianart site that links to the official file. Devianart is the great-looking image-hosting site that you see on all those movies you like on iTunes. It’s packed with movies, TV shows and songs. Its super-slick interface makes it easy to upload and browse. And its a great place to find and download fan-made videos, songs and art.
Theres actually a way to find out which sites are popular and which ones are not. Use MyNewSWatch to scrape all the data from the top torrent sites. And then set the Sort by Downloads option to see the biggest downloader sites. By doing this, youll be able to easily find out which torrent sites people use the most.