Here you go. Thanks for playing. This site offers a ton of games and applications for download and its truly unique. Sometimes the torrent files are a little large to handle but that is a small price to pay for such a site.

This place is truly one of a kind. It is filled with content, movies, games, apps and many other goodies. If you want to download music, you can go here. If you want to download an office suite, go here. It is pretty huge in terms of what is available for download and the number of torrents that are offered. Plus, there is a ton of other content available on the site. It is well worth the membership cost to have access to all this content. This place will get you hooked on it and the only complaint is that if you visit it from time to time the site sometimes gets overloaded.

This is the 2nd site on the list and is another good site. It is very similar to the path, however, it requires a flash player to use. However, its a good site if you like to download movies. You will find a ton of quality content on this site as well.

The vendors who published cracked software for free, were not only trying to earn by using our precious hard earned money, but they were also failing to honor their responsibility by not doing any proofing. This way, they were actually harassing the users who were unable to find their software in a store because they just want to earn money for their negative negligence.

But, in a wink of an eye, they just double their sales. People keep on visiting their site because they are giving away the files for free. Many times, the authors make a new version of a software after the updates have already been released. Hence, the new files have updated interface, and come with the latest patches.
