Unsaid Things Our Story Epub 23


Unsaid Things Our Story Epub 23

The communist-led insurrection forced the Republican government to flee from Barcelona. Tensions between the government in Catalonia and the government in Madrid mounted. The situation deteriorated until, on March 13, Franco declared that he was assuming control of the whole country. [138] As the months went by, the new Franco regime faced a revolutionary situation in Barcelona and the rest of the country.

Furthermore, on the eve of the Battle of the Ebro, on April 25, a military coalition was organized under the name of the Alliance of Loyal Legion of the Republic (ALIR) with the aim of resisting Franco’s encirclement by the Republican Army. Initially, this army, led by the Basque territory of Durango, held out successfully for nearly six months. Franco, however, organized a crushing counterattack, beginning with the Battle of the Ebro on April 27. By the end of August, the possibility of resistance was finally destroyed, and the Basque territory had been eliminated. The ALIR‘s existence was short-lived, but it marked the galerias of the historic destruction of Spanish anarchism under the impact of the Spanish Civil War.

The revolution spread at first very rapidly, it spread very widely and rapidly. In fact, it entered into the real government of the country. It was an astonishing event. Yet, it was a gradual process. It began to reach substantial areas of the Spanish countryside quite early in 1936, although the uprising began in February. The countryside is not generally considered a part of the actual revolution, and the analysis of a British Left economist was quoted only briefly and then merely to support the view that the Spanish Revolution was a Russian-led counterrevolution. The Spanish revolutionaries of the period were very much aware that they were fighting against a largely rural peasant-based military rebellion, but they were at the same time aware that the peasantry was the most powerful political force in the country. The fighting in Madrid, I am told by a very experienced historian of the period, was such that it was not even the main force of the revolution until the end of May. This is quite contrary to the view of the majority of historians and analysts on the left, who emphasize the role of the urban insurrection and do not fully realize the extent of the rural insurrection. If we consider the Marxist analysis that the countryside, the majority of the population, is the only class of importance in a capitalist economy, the fact that the revolution did not spread in the countryside lessens its significance, rather than increasing it. Another question is, quite apart from the historical ignorance, what the study implies. That is, we are to believe that the revolutionary action of the popular masses does not have significance, that their point of departure is, however, the Communist party. In this way, the Communist movement is saying its always right; anything the masses do is irrelevant to the real business of the Left, or better, of the Communist Party. This can be expressed by saying that the Cuban Revolution was a reaction of the Communist Party to the earlier and far larger popular revolution, and thus the urban revolt of ’56 was counterrevolutionary. It is an assertion that is, in my view, utterly without foundation. If we read Lenin and Mao we find that the proletarian revolution and the peasant revolution are generally separated; in this respect the wars in Korea and Vietnam have been called proletarian revolutions, and the peasant revolution is essentially an anti-colonial revolution. Now the studies treat this issue as if it were somehow subordinate to the need to disprove the Spanish revolution; the war in Spain was a thing of secondary importance, in which the communists were only a small part of the forces. It thus goes against Marx and Lenin, [59] and it has its own implications. An outright reaction in the countryside, although containing elements of the peasant revolt, was essentially a right wing revolt not a counterrevolution. The experience in Spain showed that the Communist Party could not be depended on for any services in this type of situation; it was an indictment, it seems to me, of the whole history of the Communist party that it never attempted to build an even slightly effective organization in the countryside. I believe that it is a serious deficiency in the analysis.

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