New English File Eoi Exam Power Pack Intermediate VERIFIED
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New English File Eoi Exam Power Pack Intermediate
text qualifier to make information more legible, an application may use a text qualifier character to wrap the value of the cells. when excel encounters the text qualifier character, all of the text that follows that character and precedes the next occurrence of that character is imported as one value, even if the text contains a delimiter character. a text qualifier is useful to enclose numeric values to make them easier to read. the text qualifier character must be displayed in bold text (see the previous heading).
the first thing to look for in a proposal is whether the energy produced will be stored or used on site immediately. if the proposal states that the project will use the energy as a power source it has more to do with grid power than storage. the offer of a fixed price per kilowatt is more a matter of price than of acceptance of a fixed price as the offer price. as such it can be written as ppa.
a separate note to the ppa states that any event of force majeure or dispute between the parties may void the agreement. the making of such an agreement is optional and not strictly required. a psv similar to this is required for an interconnection for a photovoltaic system in austria.
some projects, for example hydroelectric projects, may use hydraulic power and could use a hydraulic ppa. this type of ppa is intended for projects where the decision to use up- or down-stream power is made relatively early in the project. for example, the decision to use up- or down-stream power may be based on a determination of the maximum capacity that the project has available. such projects are often called capacity-based and have the advantage of certainty that a project requires the same capacity at all times. thus, projects that are capacity-based can be structured as ppa, psv or hybrid ppa/psv agreements with no up- or down-stream power decision yet to be made.
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