Manuali I Cmimeve Te Ndertimit

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Manuali I Cmimeve Te Ndertimit

The existing API classes are long, almost to the point of being unwieldy. To create custom methods that mimic these classes, you need to create your own class. . Your 1-Stop Service Solution. Created with the business traveler in mind, Travel Organizer is designed to be a life and business tool for the busy traveler. Capture your travel information in one place. 24/7 customer service.Recent Articles A Swiss cybercrime expert has accused the US of conducting a “dirty war” against innocent Iranians following the unravelling of a huge US and Iranian money-laundering operation. A joint investigation by the Swedish and US authorities into the illegal Internet banking operation uncovered data on almost 140,000 clients in Iran, including current and former senior officials. Markus Krebs, head of the German Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, told the Financial Times that the information revealed “the hand of the US government in the cyber war against Iran”. The controversy centres on the use of a routing technique known as “route splitting” by which the flow of banking transactions is routed through an intermediary in Iran before ending up at a legitimate bank in a western country. The technique is used by law enforcement agencies to cover up the origin of banking transactions, but is also used to divert funds from Iran to other organisations. Krebs told the Financial Times that the US had been able to tap in to the system, and had subsequently been using the technique to obtain sensitive information about the Iranians. “It’s not that the Iranians didn’t know what was happening,” he said. “They were just slow to respond. But when they found out what the Americans were doing, they went wild.” The allegations will increase concern that US hacking activities are aimed at Iran, and have the potential to help spark a new war between the two countries. US officials have repeatedly denied that their cyber-warfare operations are aimed at Iran. However, they are thought to be conducting ongoing research into the viability of attacking Iranian targets in a cyber war. The Financial Times speculated that the US was attempting to collect information on the government of Iran to aid in the destabilising of the regime. Iran’s nuclear programme is also the focus of nuclear diplomacy between the US and Iran. Iranian cyber experts claim that they have discovered a “massive honeypot” set up by the US National Security Agency to scan for weaknesses in the Iranian banking system. 0cc13bf012

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