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Hawaiki Keyer

additionally, a great book for learning how to use the keyer is the “grainy film masterclass” by david curtis. i highly recommend it and you can find a link to it on itunes u. it covers every aspect of the keyer in detail and it includes some of the best tips on keying in the world. the book starts by covering the logic of the key, but i found that it had more to do with how to make keying look better than the fundamentals of how to use the keyer.

i cant recommend this book enough. it takes you through the key from start to finish and it teaches you how to use the keyer and makes it easy to do. this book is great if you want to be able to take advantage of all of the features of hawaiki keyer and if you want to become really good at keying with fcpx.

another great resource for learning how to use the keyer is the book “final cut pro x the fundamentals” by owen davidson. i found this book to be very well written and to include a number of videos that break down the keyer in detail. its especially good for those of us that want to become masters of keying. ive also read this book as it has some great tips on making keying look better and less dull.

if you have any questions about the keyer or about how to use it, feel free to email me. theres a lot to learn about the keyer. i would also recommend that you read the hawaiki keyer help file in the help menu on the main window. it has a great tutorial that will walk you through almost all of the keyers features.

if you want to learn more about keying, you can also use google or even the forums on the hawaiki keyer website. those are a great way to get a lot of information from other people who are using the keyer.

the hawaiki keyer is a plug-in that lets you key any footage in fcpx. it uses a combination of colour and intensity to get a key. there is a huge difference between the hawaiki keyer and the primatte keyer. just as with colour grading, you can have two levels in keying a primary level and a secondary level. the primary level takes care of the general settings for the matte, while the secondary keyer will allow you to manage traditionally difficult areas such as hair and semi-transparent foreground areas without affecting the overall key. key correct includes 15 plug-ins that are not for keying but they help improve your key and fine-tuning alpha channels, plus it includes several tools for compositing. key correct can be used to improve keying results from any keyer, not just primatte keyer. use it withkeylight, ultimatte, zmatte, and any other tool you may have. aharon says, these tools can be used at all stages of the keying/compositing operation. some of the tools are dedicated to using before you keyso that you can start with the best possible footage. other tools are dedicated to immediately follow the key, and help remove additional color spill or to clean up the matte/alpha channel. finally, still, others are devoted to giving you the best possible composite with other layers. the latest version of this plug-in has been made even more complete as it offers two keying levels in one inspector. just as with colour grading, you can have two levels in keying a primary level and a secondary level. the primary level takes care of the general settings for the matte, while the secondary keyer will allow you to manage traditionally difficult areas such as hair and semi-transparent foreground areas without affecting the overall key. 5ec8ef588b