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Used: carpenterâ¦Â¨s level carpenterâ¦Â¨s square carpenterâ¦Â¨s triangle carpenterâ¦Â¨s compass ANOTHER . Vista Support for Autodesk SUITE 2013 for (x32) x64. Autodesk Viewer and Viewer for Windows .This invention relates to a method of converting subterranean hydrocarbon-bearing formations to a zoned pore-cement matrix having improved fracture-resistance. A novel method is described for the production of subterranean formations with improved fracture-resistance. In one preferred embodiment, a formation is pretreated to initially enhance and maintain low permeability. Thereafter, using fluid communication paths already formed in the pretreatment, the formation is contacted with a fluid mixture that contacts the formation at a first pressure, causing high-pressured zones to form in the formation. As a result of the fluid contact with the formation, and the initial low permeability, the high-pressured zones are naturally fractured and thus form a reservoir-like barrier. By maintaining the system at a first pressure, the formation and the fractured zones are prevented from further fracturing. The formation is then contacted with a fluid mixture that contacts the formation at a second pressure, causing intermediate-pressured zones to form in the formation. As a result of the fluid contact with the formation, and the initial low permeability, the intermediate-pressured zones are naturally fractured and thus form a reservoir-like barrier. The formation is then contacted with a fluid mixture that contacts the formation at a third pressure, causing low-pressured zones to form in the formation. At this point, the formation has a reservoir-like barrier formed by three zones: (1) the high-pressured zones; (2) the intermediate-pressured zones; and (3) the low-pressured zones. After in situ conversion, wells are drilled into and completed in the formation. Usually the wells are non-producing wells that drain the high-pressure zones. The non-producing wells are characterized by an interval of high-pressure surrounding a production interval. When oil flows from the producing wells into the high-pressure zones, it will flow into the non-producing wells. An oil-water separation system is then used to separate the oil from the water. The oil is then stored in tanks or in the field while the water is disposed of by a low pressure process. The methods of the

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