Though the focus lies on hacking, the author is known for his excellent piece of software called PowerDNS . It is among the best and easiest-to-use DNS servers for the Linux platform. In contrast to other services, the author offers unique features like DDoS protection, sandboxing, and over 200 IP addresses.

Torrentpepper is an excellent torrent client that you can use to send files from your computer to your device. It is quite light on system resources compared to other clients. That is the reason why it is used by many people for their file transfers. To download TorrentPepper you can follow instructions provided by the author on his blog.

In this world of modern technology today, moving pictures have revolutionized our way of life. From simply watching the moving pictures shown on TV screens, we have now moved on to being able to view these very same moving pictures on our personal mobile devices. From laptops and tablets to smartphones, the number of people who are using mobile phones to view movies has increased by leaps and bounds these last few years. In this post, we discuss how you can download movies onto your personal mobile phone to watch whenever and wherever you desire.

When you initially bought your mobile phone, you most likely were given a Welcome Pack. This welcome package usually contains a multitude of applications which come bundled with your mobile phone. Most of these applications are pretty much useless, but they offer you a preview of some of the applications your phone will be able to download once you decide to subscribe to a cell phone provider. Among these applications is the movie downloader.
